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Here you can browse our Paco De Arcos Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Paco De Arcos closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Paco De Arcos tutor today!
I`m a teachers since 1996. Learniing other languages it was allways like na hobby for me. My mother language it`s Portuguese, but I speak, read and write in english, w...
Cascais, Lisboa (2.1 miles from centre)
Sou licenciada em Economia estou fazendo mestrado em Gestão de empresa venho por este meio solicitar um pedido de emprego para compartilhar o meu conhecimento e e...
Mina(amadora), Lisboa (5.9 miles from centre)
- 06/2004 – to date: Freelance Online and Face to Face Portuguese as a Foreign Language Teacher Freelance Reviewer and editor of texts and theses Freelance English/Spa...
Belas, Lisboa (6.1 miles from centre)
Comentários sobre si
Porto, Portalegre (3.3 miles from centre)
I teach Portuguese and English as native languages to all kinds of students.
Lisbon Area, Lisboa (3.9 miles from centre)
Adoro crianças e sou mãe de um menino de 14 meses
Lisboa, Lisboa (4.1 miles from centre)
Disposto a dar sempre o melhor de mim
Carnaxide, Lisboa (4.8 miles from centre)
I can provide excellent guidance in the area of mathematics and science. I am a professional teacher for more then 12 years. Specialize in Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2...
Lisbon, Lisboa (7.9 miles from centre)
The joy of learning a new language should always be higher than the fear feeling of not knowing it.
The goal of my classes is to help every of my students to under...
Estoril, Lisboa (7.9 miles from centre)
Also and because I love you present the cultural side of Portugal, this amazing country, it`s also part of my classes included to do some guide tours around the main c...
Estoril, Lisboa (7.9 miles from centre)
Professor há 32 anos com séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Língua portuguesa e inglesa.
Lisboa, Lisboa (5.9 miles from centre)
, Brasil , como multiplicador da declaraç ã o universal dos direitos humanos ! Ativista para educaç ã o ao exercí cio da cidadania desde 2000...
Lisboa, Lisboa (9.3 miles from centre)
e me comprometi com o aprendizado de portuguê s e espanhol posteriormente. Isso fez com que eu pudesse compreender e reconheç er quais sã o os maiores o...
Lisboa, Lisboa (9.3 miles from centre)
rias empresas e numa Instituiç ã o pú blica (Ministé rio da Economia). Fui o percursor das aulas de empreendedorismo na 1. ª Escola de Com...
Cova Da Piedade - Almada, Setúbal (9.5 miles from centre)
https: //www. englishtutortoronto. net/?fbclid=IwAR3I0zZpQeKk0iQuXbCvhPwT0ElP1tKyRpk6QAyBVW7sUXk6aHYcm- AB5- I https: //www. youtube. com/channel/UCCv9eDZai9wzoidO7EuF...
Lisboa, Lisboa (10.6 miles from centre)
Eu també m sinto que posso adaptar bem com novos ambientes e acredito que eu sou um aprendiz rá pido / ansioso. Eu també m tenho boas habilidades de com...
Cherneca Da Caparica, Setúbal (7.7 miles from centre)
Au pair in 2005- 2006 Tutoring from 14 to 17 years old in 2008 and I am currently a Teacher Assistant in Lisbon since September last year Monday- Thursday - after 17:...
Lisbon, Lisboa (11.5 miles from centre)
time in Lisbon at an accredited exam centre, which boasts an 80% FCE pass rate. I have been teaching and tutoring a mixture of English as a second language (ESL), GCSE...
Lisboa, Lisboa (11.5 miles from centre)
I am currently teaching full- time in Lisbon at an accredited Cambridge exam centre, which boasts an 80% FCE pass rate. I have been teaching and tutoring a mixture of...
Lisboa, Lisboa (11.5 miles from centre)
Se precisam de aulas de matemática básica eu estou aqui on line
Lisboa, Lisboa (9 miles from centre)
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